Saturday, May 15, 2010

Love Bug Vogue

It’s vogue
She can’t figure out the mathematics of this
It’s a human design, earth’s creation
A low-cal diet with a side of milk to help her sleep at night
Just for now, dreams effervescent in the background
No one to hit pause, no one to save her from herself
She sleeps alone
Awaking hopeful, dressing in confidence
A Sunday stroll she takes, but it’s Tuesday
She bought a puppy and watched it pee in her shoes
So much for that, nothing seems to work
She was in love

He was attached, but still ran wild
Typical, the strands of a man lie thin with this one
Her heart turned to steel and her head was hot, very hot
On edge, so it was time for dessert
The next day, morning routine, work routine, dinner, no dessert
Something always brings her back to him
It’s complicated, it’s vogue

Vogue: a trend – love at age 25 for the good, the bad and the ugly. Unhealthy emotions that have, too, gone green, recycling themselves to transfer from one woman to the next. Press release this - the love bug has arrived.

Pills: The American Drug

If America Medicine had an award show, what would win the People's Drug of Choice? The dependence on pharmaceuticals is great and a widespread epidemic. Think about the people you pass walking down the street... Almost everyone is on something. Here's the top ten pill breakdown:

1. The pill for relaxation, calms anxiety
2. The pill to help you sleep
3. The pill to cure any emotional problems you may have. This seems to be the most popular. Brands may vary, but they are all the ultimate destresser.
4. The pill to help you focus
5. The pill to boost hormone levels and alter physical appearance. Mainly geared towards men... street term - steroid
6. The pill to keep you awake
7. The pill that acts as an social enhancer
8. The pill to keep women from pregnancy
9. The pill to improve sexual performance
10. The health-related pills made for the severe hypochondriac

So, why so many pills? A pill for everything... well, here in America we do like our options. If you can answer the question, then please enlighten me on the matter. All I see is weak dependency, over dramatization and unnecessary escape. Or is this business, just another industry and the FDA should not take all depression medication commercials off national television... hmph!